Quick tech chat
Quick tech chat
Spend 30 minutes discussing any computer issue you might want information on. If we can't resolve in the 30 minutes we can setup more time to discuss further. We can also direct you as best we can
Quick tech chat
Connect with a live, local expert to walk you through your issue. No bots. No call centers.
Printer Setup
Printer not printing? We can help.
Upgrade to Windows 11
Is your operating system out of date? We can install it for you.
Application Installation and Support
We support numerous popular applications. Book an appointment for app installation, drop us a note to see if we support the application, or book a "quick tech chat" to discuss options.
What is "the cloud"
Can I use the cloud? Should I use the cloud?
Feeling intimated by everyone talking about "the cloud?" We can help. We provide an "intro to the cloud" class. No tech or computer experience necessary.